Everyone should be able to perform basic first aid, even those with hearing impairment. Deaf individuals are just as likely to save a life as anyone else, but they need to know how, just like everyone ...
In this video, a doctor gives you great information on how to relieve shoulder, neck, and back pain from prolonged computer use. It's great advice for those of us who work at computers more than a few ...
Dr. Chris Steele guides us through how to find the 5 Cs of a sick child. When you have a child who is running a fever, it's important to remember not to heat up your home and wrap them in a ton of bla ...
In this tutorial, we learn tips from roadies. If you experience a nosebleed and don't know how to handle it, there is a very simple way to cure it. First, take a long string and tie it around the midd ...
The last thing you want to do with an injured ankle is to hurt it further by wrapping it up improperly. Fortunately, wrapping an ankle is easy once you know how. And this free video first aid tutorial ...
More CPR education (the super gratuitously sexy way). If you're hypnotized and you missed Lesson #1, now would be the time to check it out...Previously, HowTo: Learn CPR (the Super Sexy Way). ...
Disposable, sterile gloves are one of the most important part of hospital safety, making sure that the hands that touch the patients are not going to make them sicker. However, putting on sterile glov ...
Suturing wounds is one of the most important parts of any doctor's job, and learning how to do so should be among the first priorities of any medical student. This three-part video covers all of the b ...
There are a lot of different types of sutures out there, as any of your doctors, nurses, and medical students know, and performing them properly is a vital part of your job. This video details how to ...